Dr. John Veltheim called me 1 of the top 5 Practitioners in the World!
2014: What an intense, challenging, worthwhile year of epic transformation. Almost everyone I know is experiencing major shake-ups to our inner and outer worlds. It’s been a wild ride.
I rehabbed my paraplegic dog and lost him to cancer, broke up with my life partner and broke through a lifetime of invalidation by my family of origin. I got a mini-MBA and treated clients with the latest scientific breakthroughs in epigenetics and the microbiome (ecosystem of bugs in the body) to heal immune, hormone, digestive, respiratory, mood and cognitive issues. Heck, I even started Pilates.
My sense of self is radically different and paradoxically the same. Can you relate?
I’ve seen incredible miracles in practice again this year: severe depression, anxiety, indigestion and allergies eliminated. Stuck behaviors transformed. Life-changing insights gleaned. Cancers healed. Movement. Traction. Joy. Love. Inspiration. CONNECTION.
Dr. John Veltheim, the head of BodyTalk, called me “1 of the top 5 BodyTalk practitioners in the world” last week. Holy cow!!! What an incredible honor. There are many exceptional practitioners in my field; I was gobsmacked by the compliment.
The comment was a much-needed kick in the pants to finally raise my rates. I’ve been doing BodyTalk full-time for 12 years, witnessed miraculous treatment results, and charged just 40% of comparably-advanced colleagues. It’s time for an update.
As of 1/5/15, return client treatments will be $150. New client treatments will be $200. Credit card fees will be eliminated. As always, I will continue to devour leading-edge developments in medicine to provide the most effective, efficient treatments with the greatest results. And as always, I will continue my own soul-searching and healing to be clear, compassionate, transparent and high-vibing.
After a dozen years in practice I am even more in awe of the healing process, more in love with the world, more motivated to serve, and more integrated in my professionalism, candor, warmth, humor, curiosity and drive.
Thank you so much for walking side-by-side together along this healing journey. My life is profoundly enriched by knowing you. You are brave, honest, resilient and beautiful. Sharing your life is the greatest gift in mine.
Humbly, respectfully, gratefully yours,