Free BodyTalk mini-session, tales & tips
How BodyTalk works, uplifting stories & a FREE mini-session: Are you curious about BodyTalk? Do you wonder what it can treat? Do you wonder how it *works*? Let’s dig into the gooey deliciousness of BodyTalk theory & practice in this interview with advanced practitioner Sid Snider.

Free global BodyTalk summit (including very personal & unfiltered stories from me)
Mind-Body-Spirit Live is a FREE global summit with dozens of top BodyTalk practitioners who share their journeys to joyful, integrated, healthier lives. My video interview is featured on launch day! I’m excited and honored to be a part of an amazing panel of BodyTalk experts.

Dr. John Veltheim called me 1 of the top 5 Practitioners in the World!
I’ve seen incredible miracles in practice again this year: severe depression, anxiety, indigestion and allergies eliminated. Stuck behaviors transformed. Life-changing insights gleaned. Cancers healed. Movement. Traction. Joy. Love. Inspiration. CONNECTION.
Your Badass Heart: The Power of a Secret
Do you struggle with anger? Do you find yourself reliving the same conflicts with your sweetie, your family, your coworkers? Do you want to break the pattern – without having to talk about the problem over and over – just effortlessly move beyond it? Check out this incredible story from a woman formerly known as “Angry Sara” about how she transformed her life EASILY, without talk therapy.
A Typical Week of Miracles
I witness miracles at work so often that it’s easy to take them for granted, so I am committing myself to continue sharing these stories. My intent is to encourage and inspire others. Healing and change are attainable, and often easier than you’d expect. Here are a few examples from this week.
How to Enjoy Happy, Healthy Holidays
It is incredibly refreshing to take a break from thinking. I use this breath awareness exercise to quiet my mind and experience my inner senses. I notice many benefits, including increased patience and productivity, deeper sleep, and finer intuition. The exercise has various other benefits, such as reduced stress, greater focus and creativity, and a pervasive sense of peace. Over time, you’ll also begin to gain a better understanding of your own identity as you deepen your connection with your essence.

Even Healers Need to Let Go & Start Over
An essential role of the healer is to help you release outdated parts of yourself: Limiting beliefs, emotional pain, misperceptions and miscommunications. Release makes room for what you would rather have instead: Freedom, clarity, coherence. Healers also need to let go and change. I devote so much energy to internal change work that external changes may end up the backburner. That was true of the Synergy Wellness website, clocking in at 10 years old (92 in internet years!) It was time for major transformation… and so I am proud to unveil the new Synergy Wellness website.

Pure Chocolate Bliss
I am so sensitive to caffeine – even decaf in the morning causes insomnia – that I gradually, grudgingly gave up all coffee. Since I was introduced to Choffy I have been absolutely over the moon about it. Choffy is brewed chocolate made from 100% cacao beans, roasted and ground to create a delicious drink. Choffy provides long-lasting energy and whole-body wellness. It brews just like coffee and delivers sustained energy without the crash, jitters, or other negative effects of caffeine. It’s loaded with antioxidants, too.
Summer Smoothie Recipe
Whey protein boosts liver function and enhances metabolism. Throughout the summer I love to drink protein smoothies. I make the process quick & easy by whipping up a big batch of base mix, then blending a portion at a time with frozen berries. Here is my favorite recipe.

Staying Centered in Crisis
My beloved rescue dogs, Pablo and Charlie, were a closely bonded pair. They both turned 5 years old in July. Within 10 days of their birthdays Charlie died, I went on a difficult trip, and Pablo ruptured a disc and nearly died. Pablo’s injury caused massive hemorrhaging and spinal cord trauma that paralyzed him from the waist down. My life turned upside-down as I jumped to rearrange everything to take care of Pablo around the clock, maintain my health and grieve for what was lost.